Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why don't we use Classmates or Facebook to maintain our class information?

    Classmates, Facebook, and LinkedIn are not managed sites, and are full of fake and obsolete profiles. It is impossible to maintain credible and relevant organizational information on these sites. Using our own site (maintained by GBN 83 people) we can ensure we only have actual, relevant information for the members of our class.

My yearbook picture is horrible, can you change it?

    Yes, but only if you have your original school picture.

I am listed as an "Affiliate" in the directory, what does that mean?

    GBN 83 affiliates are classmates who attended school with GBN Class of 1983 (grade school, junior high, or high school) but did not graduate with the class because they moved or changed schools. We also include some members of the Class of 1982 as affiliates because they were listed in the yearbook as Class of 1983.

Where did you get the current picture of me in the directory?

    The search tool we use locates all relevant current information including pictures.

How did you get my current contact information?

    We used a custom internet search tool. If we matched you to the wrong information just send an email and we'll get it corrected.

I really don't want you to publish any information about me in directory, can I be removed?

    At your request we will remove all your current contact information from the directory profile. We will only publish name, status, and yearbook picture.

When is the next reunion?

    Our 40th reunion is planned for September 2023. Details will be posted on this website as they are confirmed.
Glenbrook North Jason Kipnis, Glenbrook North Baseball

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